Since the release of the first film "Godzilla" in 1954, the Godzilla series has produced and released a total of 38 films, including 30 domestic works, 3 animations, and 5 Hollywood versions. This year, the third installment of the 70th-anniversary project, " Godzilla the Art by Parco Vol. 3 ," has been decided to take place. The participating artists for this event are Kosuke Kawamura , a collage artist active both domestically and internationally, and Kensuke Koike, a collage artist mainly active overseas. Additionally, Godzilla suits and dioramas used in the films will be on special display. Kosuke Kawamura is famous for his recent collaboration with Uniqlo to produce Star Wars shirts. **** This is a rare Godzilla figure which can be purchased only at the event.